Art and Healing
Art played a pivotal role in my healing, and art is now a big part of my life. I am the President and co-founder of an arts nonprofit. I serve (and have previously served) on the boards of major public, private and university art museums, as well as organizations that unite the arts with social justice. I also write and speak about art.

Tilt West
I am a founding board member and the President of Tilt West, a Denver-based non-profit that promotes discourse on art, social issues and culture through live events and publishing efforts. I am also editor of our platform and managing editor of the Tilt West Journal.
Tilt West was named "Best Think Tank for Arts and Culture," in its first year of operation as part of Best of Denver awards. Read the full article.
Listen to our recent roundtables here. Read my written prompts for Tilt West roundtables, here and here.